9 August 2013

Meet Mirry Mitchell

Mirry Mitchell
Did you see my little Etsy shop? ( www.mirrymirry.etsy.com ) it fast became the outlet to help me keep my sanity. It's tough to sit in a room all day long, every day, all alone & keep picking up your needle to lay stitch after stitch though (that's my thing, creating lots of little stitches you see) if there's no motivational reward, if those time-given completed creations are just headed for the back of an already bursting cupboard. So what d'ya do? You open an Etsy shop & see if anyone would like to 'love' your pieces & thus save them from cupboard-doom. Still not enough to keep you inspired?...you pool the money into a little pot & when you've got a tidy sum, you donate it to a much needed, greatly deserved cause....

In my case that'd be Invest In ME (IiME), 'cause they're an awesome bunch of dedicated, un-paid (yep you did read that right) hard working, charitable, caring, eager peeps. 'Cause they're fresh off the block & already working on the 'this-big-time-stuff-is-really-gonna-make-a-mahoosive-difference-to-the-long-neglected-but-we-ain't-ever-gonna-forget-you' ME sufferers. T'is true innit! You know it is, but go ahead & check it out, i'm talking s-e-r-i-o-u-s plans ahead, i'm talking DRUG trials, yeah you got it, drug trials on ME patients. When did you last hear those words uttered from a UK ME charity? We all know this could procure fabulous advances for our prospective treatment, diagnosis, care & management, not least of all attitude. Wouldn't it be something magical if attitudes from doctors, specialists, therapists, (friends & family for many too) could somersault & land the RIGHT WAY UP! This could do it. I really believe IiME could help create that turn.

& that's why my little bit of Etsy shop crafting profits are heading straight over to their big collection pot, it's maybe a bit vain donating to something holding benefits for myself, but nothing's going to change if WE don't help make it happen. There comes a point where we just have to help ourselves, & i'm game, i'm in, i want to be a part of it. i don't expect to sit back & let others run themselves ragged for me, i won't be coming forward with greedy open hands when they announce they've found a treatment if i haven't done the mere TINIEST capable thing to help earn it. So very many fabulous folks (ME'ers abundant!) are doing what they can (even the itsy bitsy-est of things are huge when we're on board together), raising money, spreading awareness & helping to support the Chieftains who are working on the Master Plan for US. I love it! i'm excited! I'm yakking on too much. I'll leave you with some pics, in a bid to counterbalance all that waffling.

Ps before i go.. spare a quid? Just £1?, even if just once in this whole year? T'is estimated some 250,000 UK folks have ME (i think it's more, that figure's decades old), if every one of them flipped a pound over to IiME, just imagine what awesome stuff they could do for us, just imagine what a difference that could mean for your tomorrows.  

S'only a quid right?

The lovely Mirry inspired The Matrix fundraising idea with her generous £1000 donation to the IiME Charity Rituximab Treatment Trial JustGiving page.

To donate £1 to the IiME rituximab treatment trial text RTUX66 to 70070 

To donate £1 to the IiME biomedical research fund text BMER99 to 70070

or click here for other ways to donate to IiME for biomedical ME research

A big thank you Mirry and all who support the small charity with a big cause!