SOBAFF (Supporters of British Armed Forces & Families) has a promotional website for both American and British Forces Charities, but they will promote all worthwhile charities and organisations made up of volunteers like themselves and you can now read about Invest in ME charity on the SOBAFF website.
The SOBAFF site is linked to the Facebook group "500 Mile Expedition", a group formed to assist HOT - Honour Our Troops in raising funds by walking 500 miles from Catterick in North Yorkshire to The Royal Hospital Chelsea in London, the home of the Chelsea Pensioners.
IiME Charity were very honoured to announce in October that SOBAFF has agreed to donate funds raised during their next 500 mile walk to Invest in ME. This was initiated thanks to Alex Hall who made contact with SOBAFF and suggested Invest in ME.
The walk will be from Catterick in North Yorkshire starting on 29th April 2013 and they will be walking to The Royal Hospital Chelsea in London, the Home of the Chelsea Pensioners, to arrive on 24th May 2013.
The walk will finish in London just before the Invest in ME (IiMEC8) conference.
SOBAFF have support from Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and the walk is supported by him.
SOBAFF have said, "With issues surrounding the Disabled in the UK, we would like to be able to help you raise funds for your charity".
Invest in ME look forward to be able to work with SOBAFF and to promote the walk and the worthwhile work they are doing in raising awareness of the sacrifices being made by others.
Anyone wishing to be involved by walking the whole or part of the route or by helping, may find out more by visiting the links below.
The current sponsor for the walk is Ocado, who are based in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. They will be supplying refreshments along the chosen route.
SOBAFF have once again gained support from the pop group, The Proclaimers, although unfortunately they will not be at the event as they will be out of the country, on tour.
SOBAFF have a GPS system on their website, by which one will be able to follow the walkers' progress, as and when it starts, or the planned route.
LDIFME (Let's do it for ME) Bear was excited to hear that Baxterbear will be making appearances along the route. Baxterbear was born 29th February 1928, is a well liked bear by both adults and children alike and has since travelled the world on his journeys. Many of Baxterbear's tales and journeys can be found:
To read more about this event on the Invest in ME website:
To find out more about SOBAFF and this event on their website:
Baxterbear |
With thanks to SOBAFF and all involved in supporting this event.
Thank you for your support of Invest in ME charity from the Team at Let's do for ME!