4 September 2011

Jan's Birthday Wish

Jan Laverick is a co-founder of Let's do it for ME! (round of applause and cries of for she's a jolly fellow!)

Jan contracted myalgic encephalomyelitis aged 17 and has now reached the grand old age of 29!

All Jan wants for her birthday is donations to help establish a centre for biomedical ME research and treatment in the UK.

All donations go directly to the charity Invest in ME via Jan's fundraising page on Everyclick and will count towards the total raised by Let's do it for ME! for the centre.

She says:

All who know me know how ill this disease has made me, and some of you are also aware of the abuse I've received from doctors and of the general ignorance and neglect surrounding ME.
Seems I am turning 29 I have set the target amount as £290.

Big thanks!”

The closing date for Jan's birthday wish fund-raising page is tomorrow 5th September so please show Jan your appreciation for all she does for fellow ME sufferers by helping to make Jan's birthday wish come true.

Click here to help make Jan show her happy face - it's worth a click just to see the photos!

P.S. When you make a donation, don't forget to check the Gift Aid box if you're a UK taxpayer as then your charity can claim an extra 25% from the government!