27 February 2014

Are you looking for a Charity to Adopt?

from Tanya: I know many social clubs or company's like to support a different charity each year and wonder - is your workplace, local social club or school looking for a charity to support?

If so, I urge you to consider supporting Invest in ME and helping us to raise money to fund research into causes and treatments, whilst also raising awareness for all the adults and children currently suffering from this illness.

For further information about the Charity please take a look at these websites where you can also contact them for further information if you require it;

and their supporting campaign  


There are so many different ways you can raise funds and get involved, here are just a few;

Help us Perform Biomedical Research into ME
Take a slot in the Matrix to raise funds for the UK Rituximab Trial.
This is inspired by a £1000 donation to the UK Rituximab Treatment Trial JustGiving page and the Let's Do It for ME team have come up with an idea to help raise awareness and funds for this important biomedical research into understanding and finding effective treatments for ME.  The aim of the Matrix project is to help raise as much as possible of the £350,000 required to fund this trial by inviting 100 pledges to raise or donate £1000 each.

Invest in ME will coordinate the fundraising for this trial.

The charity has already invited other charities and organisations to support in funding this trial.  Everyone is invited to participate.


Invest in Me will help promote your fundraising event if you contact them;

Alternatively you could raise funds for free; 


You can download sponsorship forms for any of your events here
There are badges, mugs, t-shirts, wrist bands and bracelets, car bumper stickers, information videos and various posters available.

To enquire about receiving printed copies of any Invest in M.E.'s leaflets (or any other information for your fundraiser) contact them - click here


Whatever you can do - no matter how big or small, will help us to make a difference.

Thank you
